What's So "Special" About SEP (Special Enrollment Period?
Whether you're on a Medicare or an Affordable Care Act plan, certain life events can impact your health plan, and create an SEP "Special Enrollment Period."
Members have 60 days to make a change during this time. Learn about the events that create an SEP, and how to take advantage of the opportunity to save money or get the most out of your benefits. |
Moving to Medicare from an Affordable Care Act PlanTransitioning from an Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Group Health Plan to Medicare can often come with confusion or concerns.
This article by Dave Trout, who has 25+ years of experience in the insurance industry, can help make the move to Medicare smooth and simple. |
Wow, It's August Already! Let's do a Mid-Year ReviewReviewing your current coverage in preparation for 2025
The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Is Almost Here