Jeremy Sheridan
You will soon (or may have already) receive a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield for your 2019 Health Insurance. THIS LETTER DOES NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT YOUR 2019 SUBSIDY.
Our subsidy calculator landing page ( is now available. (Remember, your subsidy is a premium discount paid on your behalf by the federal government. This is how we get the "Affordable" in the Affordable Care Act.) Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina members and agents can use this page to calculate customers’ 2019 estimated federal subsidies for Affordable Care Act plans. The subsidy calculator also allows members and agents to calculate the estimated monthly payment (net premium), based on the 2019 subsidy estimate. As a reminder, our individual, under-65 renewal notices direct customers to use this subsidy calculator between October 1 and 31, and to log into Blue Connect beginning November 1. Existing customers should log into Blue Connect to see their actual 2019 subsidy. Agents can find their customers’ actual subsidies on the Manage My Book tab. If your income has changed 15-20% above or below your current income, or if you had a marriage, divorce or baby....or if you have moved and have a new address please fill out the information below. If nothing has changed, including your income, then there's nothing for you to do, your plan will automatically roll over! |