Trout Insurance + Winter Coat Drive at the Candlelight Stroll
Drop off Coats, Hats, Socks and Gloves!
Where: Trout Insurance 29 N. Main St. Weaverville, NC 28797 (across from Well Bred Bakery)
When: Anytime during business hours through December 10th 2021.
Last call! A great time to come by is during Downtown Weaverville's Candlelight Stroll on Friday December 10th 6-9pm - we welcome you! Local shops will be open late for a magical evening.
What: Please bring new items only- coats, hats, socks and gloves
The organizers from YMI Cultural Center will be distributing the coats on Saturday December 11th to those in need with the goal of keeping more children warm this Winter. Find out more from WLOS here.
The Candlelight Stroll
Join the Candlelight Stroll in downtown Weaverville on December 10th 6-9pm. We will be open late to receive donations! Support and celebrate your community this season! More details: