Pete is a two-year-old Golden Retriever with a nose for adventure and an appetite for destruction. He enjoys fetch, loves pets, and hates squirrels. A game of fetch in the park turns into Pete making a mad dash for another elusive squirrel, and Pete takes a tumble. He now has a broken bone in his paw, resulting in a trip to the vet. Pete's owner knew his excitable retriever could eventually get hurt and purchased pet insurance, with a ($10,000 benefit per year) a few months prior for $75 per month
Pete has recovered and is back to his normal self. So much so, that after yet another failed hunt for a squirrel, Pete decides to take his frustrations out on a bottle of soap, ingests some, and is now feeling sick. A trip to the vet shows that he'll be fine, but now there's another vet bill. Fortunately, Pete's Pet Insurance plan has him covered again. |
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