Each year, your Medicare Advantage and Medicare RX plans will change and update their benefits for the upcoming year. For Medicare RX plans – these include Premiums, Rx deductibles and copays, and Rx tier details Look for a thick envelope like this... BE SURE TO OPEN IT! And Then - Look for "Summary of Important Costs for 2022" This will highlite Changes for 2022 in your current plan. What’s Next ??
We’ll be sending you email with how we can help you. Especially reviewing your Prescriptions and how they will be best covered for 2022. We have new tools and software. Please see http://www.medicareoptionsforyou.com/medicare-2022-rx-plans.html http://www.medicareoptionsforyou.com/medicare-center-software.html AND – For Medicare Advantage plans http://www.medicareoptionsforyou.com/medicare-advantage-plans-2022.html
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